Efficient high power
Uncompromised quality
Even dispersion
Long-term reliability
Music playback in small clubs
Multi-channel AV playback
Side fill in live music clubs
Stage monitoring
Delayed fill in installations
Paging and announcing
Designed for sound reinforcement
applications requiring minimum size, the
UPM-1 delivers high sound pressure levels
The rugged cabinet is easily handled
and installed. It has three 3⁄8"-16 threaded
rigging points, and may be mounted on a
with very low distortion and extremely even stand. An optional steel bracket facilitates
coverage in both axes.
mounting in permanent installations.
The UPM-1 system requires a high-
Suitable for a wide range of applica-tions
from music playback and delay fill systems quality professional power amplifier cap-
to stage monitoring, the UPM-1 features
able of delivering 125 watts continuously
outstanding low-frequency performance in into 16 ohms, with a signal voltage gain
an unusually compact package. Its ultra-
flat frequency response simplifies room
equalization requirements and ensures
high gain-before-feedback.
of 20 dB (minimum) to 30 dB (maximum).
The loudspeaker consists of two 5-inch
low-frequency cone drivers in a vented
enclosure, and a 2 by 5-inch horn-loaded
piezoelectric high-frequency driver with
passive crossover.
Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
2832 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 486-1166
FAX (510) 486-8356
The P-1A Control
Electronics Unit
Lo Cut
Sense Limit
UltraSeries™ P-1A
Attn dB
drivers, and limits the signal output when
the safe operating limits of the drivers are
exceeded. Until the onset of overload, the
SpeakerSense circuitry has no effect on the
Six stages of Meyer’s exclusive comple-
mentary phase equalization in the P-1A
Control Electronics Unit give the UPM-1
flat frequency response with outstanding
phase characteristics.
The UPM-1 operates as a system
with the P-1A Control Electronics Unit.
Optimized for the UPM-1 and pre-aligned
at the factory, the P-1A contains frequency
response and phase response alignment
circuitry, and Meyer Sound’s exclusive
SpeakerSense™ driver protection circuitry,
incorporating both peak and RMS signal
SpeakerSense protects the UPM-1
A single-channel device operating at line
level, the P-1A is the final component in
the signal chain before the amplifier.
loudspeaker components from damage due
to overheating under high power condi-
tions. This unique circuit continuously
monitors the power applied to the UPM-1
Meyer Sound Laboratories has
devoted itself to designing,
Architectural and
Engineering Specifications
manufacturing, and refining com-
ponents that deliver superb sonic
reproduction. Every part of every
component is designed and built
to exacting specifications and
undergoes rigorous, comprehen-
sive testing in the laboratories.
The ultra-compact, high-power rein-
automatically activates under high power
forcement speaker system shall be a passive conditions, RMS limiter which protects
Research remains an integral,
driving force behind all produc-
tion. Meyer strives for sound
quality that is predictable and
neutral over an extended lifetime
and across an extended range.
3-way type with two 5-inch low-frequency
loudspeakers, front mounted in a ducted
brass-reflex hardwood plywood enclosure
with a high-frequency piezo-electric driver
mounted on a 2" x 5" horn. The enclosure
shall be fitted with three 3⁄8"–16 threaded
mounting points, and shall operate with
a separate Control Electronics Unit.
The Control Electronics Unit shall con-
tain a power supply capable of operating
from a 120/240V AC 50/60 Hz line, equal-
ization circuitry for amplitude and phase
alignment, protection circuitry which
the speakers from overheating, active bal-
anced input, active push-pull output, and
LED indicators for power on and limiters.
Total harmonic distortion at + 26 dBu
at the balanced output loaded with 10kΩ
shall be less than .1% at 1kHz. The “A”-
weighted noise level shall be at least
105 dB below maximum rated output
of +26 dBu.
The speaker system combined with a
125W (16 ohm rating) amplifier shall
meet the following performance criteria:
Frequency response, 60 Hz to 20 kHz plus
or minus 4 dB measured in half space
at 1 meter on axis with ⁄3 octave pink
noise; output of 108 dB SPL measured at
1 meter on axis with peaks of 118 dB SPL
when driven with “A”-weighted noise.
Distribution pattern, 80 degrees horizon-
tal by 60 degrees vertical.
Speaker enclosure dimensions shall be
63⁄4" W x 181⁄8" H x 71⁄8" D, weight 16 lbs
(7.3 kg).
Control Electronics Unit dimensions
shall be 19" W x 13⁄4" H x 73⁄4" D, weight
7lbs (3.2 kg).
The speaker enclosure shall be the Meyer
Sound UPM-1. The Control Electronics
Unit shall be the Meyer Sound P-1A.
for the art
and science
of sound.
Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
2832 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
510) 486-1166
FAX (510) 486-8356
© 1989 Meyer Sound
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